[theme-reviewers] "Public facing" text should not mean the back end, only the front end

Justin Tadlock justin at justintadlock.com
Thu Sep 13 17:24:59 UTC 2012

> That's nothing more than your interpretation, and a questionable one, 
> too, I might add.

No, that's not an interpretation.  That is the rule.  All text in a 
translation-ready theme must be internationalized.  I'm sure we could 
clarify that if need be.

> Your pseudo harsh attitude doesn't impress me one bit.
> Get some style and try to be civil as others have managed to be in 
> this thread.

What's uncivil about pointing out that you don't understand the guideline?

> And speaking of users, I am sure I have as many as you at the very 
> least. Not that it matters, but since you brought it up

I was simply pointing out that I have users who will be more than happy 
to explain the usefulness of having the admin translated to you.

> Flynn
>>> Flynn
>>>> Cais.
>>>> On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 7:56 AM, Lmm Muc <lmmmuc at gmail.com 
>>>> <mailto:lmmmuc at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>     On the subject of translating front-end and/or back-end of a
>>>>     theme:
>>>>     http://lists.wordpress.org/pipermail/theme-reviewers/2012-September/010664.html
>>>>     "Public-facing" seems pretty clear to me, both semantically and
>>>>     in the context it is being used in the Review Guidelines
>>>>     ("public-facing credit link"). It obviously means the text on
>>>>     the front end of a web site, the part that faces "the public",
>>>>     with the public being the visitors of a site. It would be a
>>>>     stretch to count the back end of a theme as "facing the public"
>>>>     -  in this context.
>>>>     The amount of text in a theme back end can be huge, even more
>>>>     so if a lot of additional usage information is provided. It
>>>>     would be an undue burden for translators if they had to
>>>>     translate that as well in order to create a full translation of
>>>>     a theme. What about illustrational graphics in the back end? If
>>>>     we wanted to be really pedantic there would also have to be
>>>>     localized versions of graphics that contain text. Back end text
>>>>     may also change more frequently than text on the the front end.
>>>>     This should be clarified in the review guidelines. A theme
>>>>     should count as being "translation-ready" if all public-facing
>>>>     text is localized, with "public facing" being all the text that
>>>>     appears or may appear on the front end of a site.
>>>>     It shouldn't be mandatory to have the back end localized as
>>>>     well. Perhaps there should be a second theme tag for this?
>>>>     Greetings
>>>>     Flynn
>>>>     On 11.09.2012 04:58,
>>>>     theme-reviewers-request at lists.wordpress.org
>>>>     <mailto:theme-reviewers-request at lists.wordpress.org> wrote:
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>>>>         than "Re: Contents of theme-reviewers digest..."
>>>>         Today's Topics:
>>>>             1. Translation Support (Vicky Arulsingam)
>>>>             2. Re: Translation Support (Bryan Hadaway)
>>>>             3. Re: Translation Support (Emil Uzelac)
>>>>             4. Re: Translation Support (Vicky Arulsingam)
>>>>             5. Re: Translation Support (Emil Uzelac)
>>>>         ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>         Message: 1
>>>>         Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2012 09:38:00 +0800
>>>>         From: Vicky Arulsingam <vicky.arulsingam at gmail.com
>>>>         <mailto:vicky.arulsingam at gmail.com>>
>>>>         Subject: [theme-reviewers] Translation Support
>>>>         To: theme-reviewers at lists.wordpress.org
>>>>         <mailto:theme-reviewers at lists.wordpress.org>
>>>>         Message-ID:
>>>>         <CALc3iY0uN1k=YTvduK7x2zwj0RmXGW6=BESJY1CSng-R_abVyw at mail.gmail.com
>>>>         <mailto:BESJY1CSng-R_abVyw at mail.gmail.com>>
>>>>         Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>>>>         There seems to be some confusion regarding this item in the
>>>>         Theme Review
>>>>         guidelines in one of the reviews I'm doing with regards to
>>>>         Translation
>>>>         Support.
>>>>         "Themes are *required* to have all public-facing text in
>>>>         English."
>>>>         My understanding is that all text the user sees - on the
>>>>         front-end (viewing
>>>>         the site) and the back-end (admin pages) must be localized.
>>>>         Others feel that this only refers to the front-end.
>>>>         I personally find it strange that you're not going to
>>>>         translate theme
>>>>         options so a clarification would be great.
>>>>         Or perhaps a better discussion would be: in what cases
>>>>         would there be an
>>>>         exception to translation e.g. dummy text in special templates?
>>>>         Thanks
>>>>         -----
>>>>         Vicky Arulsingam
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>>>>         Message: 2
>>>>         Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2012 19:41:26 -0600
>>>>         From: Bryan Hadaway <bhadaway at gmail.com
>>>>         <mailto:bhadaway at gmail.com>>
>>>>         Subject: Re: [theme-reviewers] Translation Support
>>>>         To: theme-reviewers at lists.wordpress.org
>>>>         <mailto:theme-reviewers at lists.wordpress.org>
>>>>         Message-ID:
>>>>         <CAP3jXhR=MzAS_G7RKBc-PbGQUtNWOLTu9SqXuyhShWsh=gikHQ at mail.gmail.com
>>>>         <mailto:gikHQ at mail.gmail.com>>
>>>>         Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>>>>         I think so, I'd wait for an admin of course. A good
>>>>         appendage also would be
>>>>         "*by default*".
>>>>         So something like:
>>>>         *Themes are required to have all public-facing (both the
>>>>         front-end and
>>>>         back-end) text in English by default.*
>>>>         Bryan Phillip Hadaway
>>>>         Web & Graphic Designer
>>>>         calmestghost.com <http://calmestghost.com>
>>>>         bhadaway at gmail.com <mailto:bhadaway at gmail.com>
>>>>         *Socialize:* Facebook <http://www.facebook.com/calmestghost> |
>>>>         Twitter<http://twitter.com/calmestghost> |
>>>>         LinkedIn <http://www.linkedin.com/in/calmestghost> |
>>>>         Google+<https://plus.google.com/104582075016689917593>
>>>>         On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 7:38 PM, Vicky Arulsingam <
>>>>         vicky.arulsingam at gmail.com
>>>>         <mailto:vicky.arulsingam at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>             There seems to be some confusion regarding this item in
>>>>             the Theme Review
>>>>             guidelines in one of the reviews I'm doing with regards
>>>>             to Translation
>>>>             Support.
>>>>             "Themes are *required* to have all public-facing text
>>>>             in English."
>>>>             My understanding is that all text the user sees - on
>>>>             the front-end
>>>>             (viewing the site) and the back-end (admin pages) must
>>>>             be localized.
>>>>             Others feel that this only refers to the front-end.
>>>>             I personally find it strange that you're not going to
>>>>             translate theme
>>>>             options so a clarification would be great.
>>>>             Or perhaps a better discussion would be: in what cases
>>>>             would there be an
>>>>             exception to translation e.g. dummy text in special
>>>>             templates?
>>>>             Thanks
>>>>             -----
>>>>             Vicky Arulsingam
>>>>             _______________________________________________
>>>>             theme-reviewers mailing list
>>>>             theme-reviewers at lists.wordpress.org
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>>>>         ------------------------------
>>>>         Message: 3
>>>>         Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2012 21:34:18 -0500
>>>>         From: Emil Uzelac <emil at themeid.com <mailto:emil at themeid.com>>
>>>>         Subject: Re: [theme-reviewers] Translation Support
>>>>         To: theme-reviewers at lists.wordpress.org
>>>>         <mailto:theme-reviewers at lists.wordpress.org>
>>>>         Message-ID:
>>>>         <CAG4s18iMsRGtU6TmDNhDC3hZdpPCFSr00Vi95P9O43CJBnBFTA at mail.gmail.com
>>>>         <mailto:CAG4s18iMsRGtU6TmDNhDC3hZdpPCFSr00Vi95P9O43CJBnBFTA at mail.gmail.com>>
>>>>         Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>>>>         This is actually pretty straightforward (IMO).
>>>>         Public-facing: *Theme Created by Author* (front-end) *Theme
>>>>         Options... etc..
>>>>         * (back-end) examples only.
>>>>         So if author is including e.g. Theme Options, all that
>>>>         should be in English
>>>>         too, but also everything else visible to the user.
>>>>         Localization in this case is not a requirement :)
>>>>         Thanks,
>>>>         Emil
>>>>         On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 8:41 PM, Bryan Hadaway
>>>>         <bhadaway at gmail.com <mailto:bhadaway at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>             I think so, I'd wait for an admin of course. A good
>>>>             appendage also would
>>>>             be "*by default*".
>>>>             So something like:
>>>>             *Themes are required to have all public-facing (both
>>>>             the front-end and
>>>>             back-end) text in English by default.*
>>>>             Bryan Phillip Hadaway
>>>>             Web & Graphic Designer
>>>>             calmestghost.com <http://calmestghost.com>
>>>>             bhadaway at gmail.com <mailto:bhadaway at gmail.com>
>>>>             *Socialize:* Facebook
>>>>             <http://www.facebook.com/calmestghost> |
>>>>             Twitter<http://twitter.com/calmestghost> |
>>>>             LinkedIn <http://www.linkedin.com/in/calmestghost> |
>>>>             Google+<https://plus.google.com/104582075016689917593>
>>>>             On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 7:38 PM, Vicky Arulsingam <
>>>>             vicky.arulsingam at gmail.com
>>>>             <mailto:vicky.arulsingam at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>                 There seems to be some confusion regarding this
>>>>                 item in the Theme Review
>>>>                 guidelines in one of the reviews I'm doing with
>>>>                 regards to Translation
>>>>                 Support.
>>>>                 "Themes are *required* to have all public-facing
>>>>                 text in English."
>>>>                 My understanding is that all text the user sees -
>>>>                 on the front-end
>>>>                 (viewing the site) and the back-end (admin pages)
>>>>                 must be localized.
>>>>                 Others feel that this only refers to the front-end.
>>>>                 I personally find it strange that you're not going
>>>>                 to translate theme
>>>>                 options so a clarification would be great.
>>>>                 Or perhaps a better discussion would be: in what
>>>>                 cases would there be an
>>>>                 exception to translation e.g. dummy text in special
>>>>                 templates?
>>>>                 Thanks
>>>>                 -----
>>>>                 Vicky Arulsingam
>>>>                 _______________________________________________
>>>>                 theme-reviewers mailing list
>>>>                 theme-reviewers at lists.wordpress.org
>>>>                 <mailto:theme-reviewers at lists.wordpress.org>
>>>>                 http://lists.wordpress.org/mailman/listinfo/theme-reviewers
>>>>             _______________________________________________
>>>>             theme-reviewers mailing list
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>>>>         ------------------------------
>>>>         Message: 4
>>>>         Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2012 10:47:48 +0800
>>>>         From: Vicky Arulsingam <vicky.arulsingam at gmail.com
>>>>         <mailto:vicky.arulsingam at gmail.com>>
>>>>         Subject: Re: [theme-reviewers] Translation Support
>>>>         To: theme-reviewers at lists.wordpress.org
>>>>         <mailto:theme-reviewers at lists.wordpress.org>
>>>>         Message-ID:
>>>>         <CALc3iY2bs+zMRnyNqfsfOTnhhr+rnH5qK8=n0WzAObpXpBdH-A at mail.gmail.com
>>>>         <mailto:n0WzAObpXpBdH-A at mail.gmail.com>>
>>>>         Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>>>>         I agree with you - "Public facing" = "Everything the user sees"
>>>>         I understand that localization is optional. The situation
>>>>         is the theme
>>>>         author is supporting translation but he has only localized
>>>>         the template
>>>>         files because he understands that "Public-Facing" is just
>>>>         the front-end.
>>>>         The theme options haven't been localized.
>>>>         I just wanted to make sure that everyone here has the same
>>>>         understanding :)
>>>>         Thanks
>>>>         -----
>>>>         Vicky Arulsingam
>>>>         On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 10:34 AM, Emil Uzelac
>>>>         <emil at themeid.com <mailto:emil at themeid.com>> wrote:
>>>>             This is actually pretty straightforward (IMO).
>>>>             Public-facing: *Theme Created by Author* (front-end)
>>>>             *Theme Options...
>>>>             etc..* (back-end) examples only.
>>>>             So if author is including e.g. Theme Options, all that
>>>>             should be in
>>>>             English too, but also everything else visible to the user.
>>>>             Localization in this case is not a requirement :)
>>>>             Thanks,
>>>>             Emil
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>>>>         ------------------------------
>>>>         Message: 5
>>>>         Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2012 21:58:09 -0500
>>>>         From: Emil Uzelac <emil at themeid.com <mailto:emil at themeid.com>>
>>>>         Subject: Re: [theme-reviewers] Translation Support
>>>>         To: theme-reviewers at lists.wordpress.org
>>>>         <mailto:theme-reviewers at lists.wordpress.org>
>>>>         Message-ID:
>>>>         <CAG4s18gfSmVvbEADDE7t1c14DVpQu4dHCEJBFRUbuY7ttbrrwQ at mail.gmail.com
>>>>         <mailto:CAG4s18gfSmVvbEADDE7t1c14DVpQu4dHCEJBFRUbuY7ttbrrwQ at mail.gmail.com>>
>>>>         Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>>>>         it's all good :)
>>>>         Emil
>>>>         On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 9:47 PM, Vicky Arulsingam <
>>>>         vicky.arulsingam at gmail.com
>>>>         <mailto:vicky.arulsingam at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>             I agree with you - "Public facing" = "Everything the
>>>>             user sees"
>>>>             I understand that localization is optional. The
>>>>             situation is the theme
>>>>             author is supporting translation but he has only
>>>>             localized the template
>>>>             files because he understands that "Public-Facing" is
>>>>             just the front-end.
>>>>             The theme options haven't been localized.
>>>>             I just wanted to make sure that everyone here has the
>>>>             same understanding :)
>>>>             Thanks
>>>>             -----
>>>>             Vicky Arulsingam
>>>>             On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 10:34 AM, Emil Uzelac
>>>>             <emil at themeid.com <mailto:emil at themeid.com>> wrote:
>>>>                 This is actually pretty straightforward (IMO).
>>>>                 Public-facing: *Theme Created by Author*
>>>>                 (front-end) *Theme Options...
>>>>                 etc..* (back-end) examples only.
>>>>                 So if author is including e.g. Theme Options, all
>>>>                 that should be in
>>>>                 English too, but also everything else visible to
>>>>                 the user.
>>>>                 Localization in this case is not a requirement :)
>>>>                 Thanks,
>>>>                 Emil
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>>>>         End of theme-reviewers Digest, Vol 28, Issue 40
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