[theme-reviewers] Child theme language files

Ryan Frankel ryan.frankel at gmail.com
Wed Sep 21 06:52:11 UTC 2011

Hello all,

I have had someone who downloaded my theme today report that they are getting the following error:

Warning: fopen() [function.fopen]: http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 in /usr/www/users/derrph/subdomains/support/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4339

While it seems reasonably common to get this error this user is the only one to ever get it.  I have checked with other users an on my own server and we all have allow_url_fopen=0 in our php.ini.  Obviously, it is a bad idea to change this to =1.  

My question is this….how do I go about finding the actual line that caused this issue?  My functions.php looks like below….

// Includes for Functionality of Swamp Bugs - Please do not edit!
if ( ! isset( $content_width ) ) $content_width = 1100;
load_theme_textdomain( 'swamp-bugs', TEMPLATEPATH.'/languages' );

$basics_path = TEMPLATEPATH . '/basics.php';
$upgrade_path = TEMPLATEPATH . '/upgrade.php';
if (file_exists($upgrade_path)) {
// END Includes -  You can place your custom functions below.


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