[wp-hackers] Re: Pages and an alternate location

Eli Sarver eli.sarver at gmail.com
Mon Feb 14 19:39:01 GMT 2005

Sorry, need to self-reply to clarify:

On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 09:33:40 -0500, Eli Sarver <eli.sarver at gmail.com> wrote:
> I wanted to move my pages to /pages on my site, and I found that the
> wp_get_pages() function allows one to change many things about the
> pages listed, but not the base path to pages.

What I really mean by this is that the wp_get_pages() function is
centred around this concept of 'pages are in /, period.' which I don't
think I agree with.

If archives can go in /archives, why not pages in /pages or /content?
The only reason I ask is because my site's structure at the base level

*archives/ (dynamic)

Then you have:
page-a (set of 5 mod-rewrites)
page-b (same)
page-z (ditto)

so, for each page, I have 5 rewrite rules. If I put everything in
/pages, I'd need one set of mod-rewrite rules for that whole branch.
Doesn't that seem more 'elegant' ?

Eli Sarver

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