[wp-hackers] Re: Pages and an alternate location

Mark Jaquith mark.wordpress at txfx.net
Tue Feb 15 19:47:05 GMT 2005

Eli Sarver wrote:

>Sorry, need to self-reply to clarify:
>On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 09:33:40 -0500, Eli Sarver <eli.sarver at gmail.com> wrote:
>>I wanted to move my pages to /pages on my site, and I found that the
>>wp_get_pages() function allows one to change many things about the
>>pages listed, but not the base path to pages.
>What I really mean by this is that the wp_get_pages() function is
>centred around this concept of 'pages are in /, period.' which I don't
>think I agree with.
It also assumes them to be in /site/ (at least, the last time I checked.)

So this acts as a persistant rewrite rule.  if you have an "about" page, 
you can get it at /about/ as well as /site/about/

This "site" path is not customizable, and is hardcoded in many places.  
I reported it in mosquito in September: 

At that time, pages were just in /site/, and not in /.  When pages 
started being in / as well, I added a note to the bug, because you can 
just set up a parent page as an alternative to /site/ and make all your 
pages its children.  However, as you've noted, this isn't particularly 
clean.  It would be nice if you could change the /site/ path once and 
for all in WordPress and have that outputted by wp_get_pages()

Then you could save your rewrite rules once, and never have to worry 
about updating your rewrite rules with each page addition.
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