[wp-hackers] 1.3a2 CVS

Chris Coggburn Chris at Coggburn.us
Tue Sep 7 21:42:23 UTC 2004

Craig Hartel wrote:
> Chris Coggburn wrote:
>> Tara Star wrote:
>>> David Chait wrote:
>>>> Gee, figure it's time to throw in my 2c! ;)
>>>> I'm with Sebastian.  Overall, for the average user, a single file to 
>>>> edit is
>>>> a FEATURE, not a bug to be fixed.
>>> this is how I would see things too.
>> Yeah, having to edit five files would really eerk me. I like the way 
>> it is now and really don't see anybody complaining about the other 
>> way. Sure it could be added...but if it ain't broke don't fix it.
> You don't see anybody complaining about the index.php file the way it is 
> right now? Have you not read the support forums for the past two months? 
> Who suggested that there should be five files? What irks me is that 
> sometimes the hacking side of WordPress City has no clue as to what is 
> happening on the other side of the tracks in the User Neighbourhoods.
> Craig.

I agree, that just happens to be the case alot of the time in 
projects...but it really can't be avoided, just helped hopefully.

Christopher Coggburn
Chris at Coggburn.us
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