[wp-hackers] del.icio.us plugins...

Dougal Campbell dougal at gunters.org
Wed Oct 27 18:16:32 UTC 2004

scriptygoddess wrote:
> I know there's a few del.icio.us plugins floating around... and before
> I start banging my head against the wall coming up with one more, I
> wanted to see if this has been done, as well as brainstorm about the
> best way to do this.
> Alex recently sent me the link to his plugin:
> http://www.w-a-s-a-b-i.com/archives/2004/10/15/delisious-cached/
> But what I'd really like to do is be able to integrate it into the
> content area of my site (rather than having it just be sidebar
> material). Kind of like the "asides".

You might want to look at Kellan's "WP RSS Aggregator" script:


I'm using this to generate aggregated content on my War on Spam blog. It 
uses the Magpie RSS library, which will cache the RSS. And you set up a 
crontab to do the periodic checks for new content.

Ernest MacDougal Campbell III, MCP+I, MCSE <dougal at gunters.org>
http://dougal.gunters.org/             http://spam.gunters.org/
   Web Design & Development:  http://www.mentalcollective.com/
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