[wp-hackers] del.icio.us plugins...

scriptygoddess scriptygoddess at gmail.com
Wed Oct 27 16:56:36 UTC 2004

I know there's a few del.icio.us plugins floating around... and before
I start banging my head against the wall coming up with one more, I
wanted to see if this has been done, as well as brainstorm about the
best way to do this.

Alex recently sent me the link to his plugin:

But what I'd really like to do is be able to integrate it into the
content area of my site (rather than having it just be sidebar
material). Kind of like the "asides".

Alex pointed me to this page:
where he apparently does this using xpath (perl) but there is
"experimental" xpath capability for PHP:

So - if this hasn't been done before, I was thinking - maybe with a
cron job - periodically check my rss feed on del.icio.us - then add
each item in as a new post if it hasn't been added before...?

any thoughts?



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