[wp-hackers] The menu-system in wp 1.3

Jamie Talbot wphackers at jamietalbot.com
Mon Oct 18 23:53:47 UTC 2004

Hash: SHA1

| I think it might be good practice to include plugin-defined pages as
| Option submenus, but see no reason to preclude the functionality when
| most other pages (The Plugins page doesn't support submenus?  Why?)
| support adding it.

The best reason I can think of is a uniform environment for the user
interface.  Every plugin in the same place means they can build a mental
model of how to interact with plugins.  I initially thought it would be
good to use the Plugins page, but it was pointed out that a badly
written plugin could cause WP not to display properly.  If those same
plugins are running on "Plugins", you might not be able to turn them
off?  Not really thought about if this is a legitimate concern; can
anyone see a case where this might happen?

Of course it would make more sense to have Plugins submenus on the
plugins page, but if it could cause stability issues, then its best left
somewhere else.

It seems like a simple matter of adding another
| parameter to the with a default value.
| Otherwise, yes, simple submenus are a great idea.
| Owen
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