[wp-hackers] Save/edit hooks

Mark Jaquith mark.wordpress at txfx.net
Tue Oct 12 03:19:27 UTC 2004

Matthew Mullenweg wrote:

> Brad Froehle wrote:
>> TextPattern takes the approach of storing the data in both Textile 
>> and XHTML syntax (which obviously takes up twice as much space), but 
>> is technically an easier solution to the matter.
> This is doable with WP using the post_content_filtered field in the 
> posts table. I think this was added in 1.2. Has anyone played with 
> this? I did some experiments but the effects weren't enough to make it 
> using in out-of-the-box WP.
> Sometimes I wonder if anyone ever looks at the DB anymore. :)
Actually, while you were working on Staticize-Reloaded, I worked with 
someone to come up with a plugin that processed the "the_content" 
filters and stored the "processed" text in the post_content_filtered 
field.  This sped up load times, especially on big archive pages.  The 
benefit is that you can use complicated filters like Textile without the 
performance hit, because the rendering is done at the time of publish.  
This might be a good solution for people wanting to speed up delivery, 
but not wanting to go with a full page caching solution like 

Here's the code:  http://persson.cx/code/pre-render/pre-render-0.5.phps

It has some issues, but it's a decent starting place if anyone wanted to 
work on it.

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