[wp-hackers] Introduction: John Hesch

John Hesch john at bloggingpro.com
Wed Jun 16 03:38:08 UTC 2004


On Tuesday, June 15, 2004, 9:23:45 PM, Jason wrote:

Jg> Seriously, get a copy of phpXref and run it against your
Jg> install.

Located here but is run against the latest nightly


> Let us know
> * who you are

John Hesch. Have two weblogs run by WordPress. BloggingPro
located at http://www.bloggingpro.com and my personal weblog
located at http://blog.kzion.com.

> * why you're here

I want to learn more about creating plugins and contribute
where I can.

> * what you'd like to get out of this list

Knowledge. :)


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