[wp-hackers] MW Recent Links plugin

Eric A. Meyer eric at meyerweb.com
Thu Jul 22 20:03:12 UTC 2004

Hi again,

    I recently installed Markku Seguerra's Recent Links plugin, and 
found that it was a great package but lacked a feature I really 
wanted: the ability to add a "via" link.  So I added that capability, 
and it's been working fine so far.  You can see it in action on the 
main page of <http://www.meyerweb.com/>, or go to its "home page" at 
    If anyone here is interested in seeing what I did, you can 
download a ZIP archive containing all the files from here:


Please do NOT link to this from the wiki, or your own blogs, or 
anywhere else.  Consider this a developer preview, or something. 
I've shared the code with Markku and he's indicated that he may merge 
the changes I made into his codebase, paving the way for a new 
version of the plugin.  If that happens, I'll take down my archive 
and just point to his plugin page.  If not, I'll establish my own 
page for this version of the plugin.
    Anyway, for people who want to take a look at what I did and make 
suggestions for improvement, the code's where you can get it.

Eric A. Meyer  (eric at meyerweb.com)    http://www.meyerweb.com/eric/
Principal, Complex Spiral Consulting  http://www.complexspiral.com/
"CSS: The Definitive Guide," "CSS2.0 Programmer's Reference,"
"Eric Meyer on CSS," and more   http://www.meyerweb.com/eric/books/

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