[wp-hackers] Comment Pay

Kitty kitty at mookitty.co.uk
Thu Jul 22 21:01:01 UTC 2004

This is a plugin that turns the tables on spammers. If a comment lands
in the moderation queue, the author is directed to a page that shows the
comment, the name the author entered, the author's IP address, and
notice that the message was moderated and potentially has advertising

The comment then has the option of clicking a link that takes them to
your PayPal (or other service) payment page. A message is also shown
explaining that an email has been sent to the admin, and they will
approve comments w/o advertising content shortly.

I've included a built in options/installer/uninstaller manager, and the
payment link is properly stored in the DB options table. Plus full
documentation is provided.

Right now, there's no tracking of payments made for a comment, and it's
up to the user to do that. Mainly because I don't expect any spammers to
actually pay. :) But for the non-spam bots doing the spamming, I'm sure
that the shock of being asked to pay for placement will get their boss'

If there is interest in this, I'll pursue it further, and possibly
integrate it into PayPal's back office hooks for automatic approval of
the comment when payment is confirmed.
Kitty <kitty at mookitty.co.uk>
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