[wp-hackers] Preventing magic quotes in pre elements
Andrew Shearer
ashearerw at shearersoftware.com
Fri Jul 23 03:48:42 UTC 2004
I added the following code to my WordPress installation to stop the
filters from messing up code blocks. I hereby place it under the GPL.
New functions to be defined near the top of
function wpapplyavoidingpre($text, $functionname) {
/* Apply the named filter, but don't touch anything inside <pre>
because we can only mess it up. We assume that inside a <pre> tag
pair is
code or other preformatted content, and applying such things as
smart quotes
will ruin it, and applying <br /> on line breaks will result in
double spacing.
This code stops short of a full HTML parser, and could be misled by
that look like <pre> tags wrapped in HTML comments, but oh well. It
also be confused by any tags beginning with the letters "pre", but
that's OK--
there shouldn't be any.
ashearer 2004-01-21
$pos = $lastpos = 0;
while ($lastpos !== false && ($pos = strpos($text, '<pre',
$lastpos)) !== false) {
$text = substr($text, 0, $lastpos)
. $functionname(substr($text, $lastpos, $pos - $lastpos))
. substr($text, $pos);
$lastpos = strpos($text, '</pre>', $pos);
if ($lastpos !== false) {
$text = substr($text, 0, $lastpos)
. $functionname(substr($text, $lastpos));
return $text;
function wpautopavoidingpre($text) {
return wpapplyavoidingpre($text, 'wpautop');
function wptexturizeavoidingpre($text) {
return wpapplyavoidingpre($text, 'wptexturize');
And at the bottom of wp-include/vars.php, you can make the last couple
of add_filter lines into:
// ashearer 2004-01-21 added 'avoidpre'
add_filter('the_content', 'wpautopavoidingpre');
add_filter('comment_text', 'wpautopavoidingpre');
On Jul 22, 2004, at 3:45 PM, Eric A. Meyer wrote:
> Hey gang,
> I've poked around the formatting functions file in an attempt to
> figure out how to prevent magic quoting for the 'pre' element (and,
> while I'm at it, 'code' and related inline elements). I came away
> with an aching head, and no better clue than when I started. Anyone
> want to point me in the right direction?
> --
> Eric A. Meyer (eric at meyerweb.com) http://www.meyerweb.com/eric/
> Principal, Complex Spiral Consulting http://www.complexspiral.com/
> "CSS: The Definitive Guide," "CSS2.0 Programmer's Reference,"
> "Eric Meyer on CSS," and more http://www.meyerweb.com/eric/books/
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Andrew Shearer
Senior Analyst, Medical Computing
IS Applications Group
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