[wp-hackers] Plugin Site

Stephen O'Connor steve at stevarino.com
Fri Jul 16 17:35:18 UTC 2004

Wow, thanks for taking the initiative Moose! I'm really looking forward to
this and if you need any help at all PLEASE contact me! :D

As far as dead links go... Yah, I'm worried about that too. What if we agree
on a new plugin-header field that specifies the author's feelings towards
caching or mirroring the plugin file. Personally I have no problem with
people mirroring my plugins as long as credit is given and would welcome the
oppurtunity that my plugins could survive beyond my site.

Another idea: combine this with the category-ping feature recently
implemented and we have an automatic submission process.

Just made my day...
- Stephen
steve at stevarino.com

> -----Original Message-----
> From: hackers-bounces at wordpress.org
> [mailto:hackers-bounces at wordpress.org]On Behalf Of Alex King
> Sent: Friday, July 16, 2004 1:02 PM
> To: hackers at wordpress.org
> Subject: Re: [wp-hackers] Plugin Site
> This can be solved fairly easily. Set up a CRON job to run every night
> that checks each download. If a download can't be found, it hides that
> plugin (and sends and e-mail notification to the author) until the
> download link is fixed.
> --Alex
> http://www.alexking.org/
> On Jul 16, 2004, at 10:53 AM, Danny Dawson wrote:
> > The problem with this approach: lots of dead links.  People change
> > their own websites much more frequently than the wp-plugins website
> > should be expected to change, and it can make it nearly impossible to
> > keep track of where to find a plugin
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