[wp-hackers] topic exchange integration

Tara Star tellme at climbtothestars.org
Thu Jul 15 17:32:25 UTC 2004

Luca Lizzeri wrote:

>>has anybody picked this up to do something with it? It would be nice if
>>it also grabbed any topicexchange channels trackbacked through the
>>"category trackback" functionality.

> I don't understand how you want to display the trackbacked channels.

on the weblog -- see this post as an example:


Categories: Languages / Linguistics, Real Live Code, Weblog Technology
Topic Exchange: Multilingual blogging, Wordpress

I guess that can be done by checking if there is meta information for 
ite_topic, parse it, loop through it (whatever) and display the adequate 
header ("Topic Exchange") and links.

The TE API would come in here, if we want pretty links like those I gave 
above instead of just:

Topic Exchange: multilingual_blogging, wordpress

The pretty name could be stored in another meta field named after the 
key for the channel.

Does this help explain it?


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