[wp-hackers] topic exchange integration

Dougal Campbell dougal at gunters.org
Tue Jul 13 14:56:29 UTC 2004

On Tue, 13 Jul 2004, Tara Star wrote:

> Reading this post by Seb Paquet just gave me an idea:
> <http://radio.weblogs.com/0110772/2004/06/30.html#a1628>
> Here is what I'd like to do (hack or plugin) -- please let me know if
> anything similar exists or is in the works, so that we don't do the job
> twice:
> - add a text-field for "TE topics" in the new post page (for input like
> "blogtalk_conference wordpress multilingual_blogging")
> - upon submission, parse that field, trackback the channels it lists,
> and add them to the postmeta table
> - when retrieving a post, that data can then be diplayed so that we can
> imagine having a list of categories, and a list of trackbacked TE
> channels for each post

Why add a new field? Just use the postmeta. When posting, you could just
add a "te_channel" key for each topic. A plugin could then just hook
into the publish_post action, look for any "te_channel" fields for the
post, and send the appropriate pings to the TE server.

Ernest MacDougal Campbell III, MCP+I, MCSE <dougal at gunters.org>
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