[wp-forums] Sidebars

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Fri Mar 31 22:02:11 GMT 2006

I'll pick on a couple of points:

Craig wrote:
> Too many people look to WP support for help with things that really should
> be supported by theme and plugin authors and their own communities, after
> the fashion of K2, I'd submit. Codex will be so damn full of every flavour
> of Rin or Gemini or Kubrick that the real information that is needed will be
> buried.

Khaled did a fantastic job with Manji and Rin. The documentation, his
own support forum and the code commenting was nothing short of amazing.
For that - and the consequent lack of forum posts given it's usage - he
deserves huge credit.
I think Gemini was just a straightforward frame which held no surprises.
The background to it was interesting but the CSS was okay.
I think Kubrick had a baptism of fire with added brimstone. I don't
think it's adoption was anticipated, I certainly don't think Michael
knew just what would happen when he probably wrote "Download" and the
subsequent move into the core just added to the mix. I would like to
think that Kubrick be used as a learning curve in many respects. The
fact is still gets used today is testament to it's design but the fact
that we still get questions despite it's widespread use also raises
issues from many areas - not least of which is users and Codex to be
Anyway ...........

> I think the time has come to make some radical changes in WordPress support.
> The site exists because of a core product, and the core product is what
> should be supported and documented.

I agree. Matt has agreed. And every damn time one of us in the forums
says "Go to read CSS there" or "We don't support XYZ" then we get jumped
on. I got slammed by many ages ago when I said we shouldn't be an
adsense talking shop which we were at the time.
Recently too there was a post about K2. It caused a bit of a stir.
Draw the line between K2 support and WP support. Draw it very very
clearly. Now try it with a theme / widget / plugin. Throw into that my
mood - if I'm happy, have had 2 coffee's and no home worries, I'll
answer quite differently to when it's late. Not saying it would be rude
or even that I would answer, just that it's yet another inconsistency.
One person's view is very different from another - especially when the
aggrieved party starts yelling about it.
I do agree we should support just the core - but we have a dynamic and
knowledgeable bunch of people who just won't leave the forums and keep
answering. A couple of hours ago I answered a question somewhere which
was totally OT - but then I think if you are in a forum to help and you
have the answer then you should answer. I'm not saying we give the full
answer though - it's not always the right thing to do.
So while I agree, we MUST support forum helpers who say just that. Yes
the medium of text can be poor at times for this so please do not jump
on someone for saying "You need to go check out CSS School for that" -
even when the follow up post is "But can't you tell me pleeeeeeeeease?".

I don't know how to draw the lines for many things but I'm not
disagreeing with what you said Craig - just elaborating :)


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