[wp-forums] Proposed draft

spencerp psgif180 at hotmail.com
Sun Mar 19 03:22:43 GMT 2006

After reading through, ALL the emails.. I'm just getting that it's more of a headache then anything. I would just do as such like before basically. 

1) Moderators find such post of those trying to sell their services and edit their threads, pointing them to JOIN the wp-pro list, and wait. IF that's what the list is for anyways, right?

2) Those trying to find such services. Moderators or forum users to reply with a link to that wp-pro list, then tell them to join and post a request for custom help. 

And basically tell them, if issues come up, they need to keep their issues or support with those that did that "custom" work, rather then bring it to the support forums.

3) Forget all about the hassles of a "Services Forum" all together, because it's just a headache and a "dog chasing the tale" ordeal..

4) I vote productively for Moshu to come back to the forums! =^)  I'm missing his sarcastic lightly harsh replies.. LOL! Really, I never had a problem with him to start with, even IF he replied to me, with a "little" side of harshness.. I usually just overlook it all anyways. Moderators are "kinda" supposed to be firm anyways...right lol.


And also, you could be facing other issues, of those "paid services" bombarding the list with any "Joe" off the street, with crap scammy stuff. Which is a headache too, because how would regulate the "honest" from the "dishonest"? 

It's almost impossible.. =/  All, leading those wanting a "paid service" but got crap, coming to the forums, or to whoever asking for help to get it straigthened out. I think you'll end up being more of a "moderator" to that "list/forum" then the support forum in the end. =/

> The important discussions always happen when I go out and am not
> around the computer :)
> (You guys write a lot... it's not easy to catch up)
> Anyway - if it would be a "forum"-like thing then I'd agree 100% with
> what Melanie said about closed threads, deleting sellers from wrong
> forum, redirecting buyers etc.
> However, it seems that Matt's idea is closer to what I suggested at
> the very beginning of this discussion: a separate page for commercial
> services of the community members.
> That I proposed a minor fee and Matt is thinking about a "barrier to
> entry" --- is a minor detail, I guess.
> To be honest I'd feel kind of "split personality" if while moderating
> and helping users for free in one thread... I'd appear in another
> thread as someone offering paid services.
> It might sound crazy for some of you, but it happened that I told a
> newbie struggling with the install to send me an email and I did it
> for him (it was easier and faster than trying to do it by 'remote
> control'...) - and when he asked how to pay me I refused, saying it
> started in the free support forum and I was the one who told him to
> contact me, so there is no reason to pay. I am very, very "anal" about
> keeping these things separated :)
> Of course, if somebody posted they were looking to hire a theme
> designer to make a theme that matches their website and left an email
> address - I replied in private, give my rate and if they accepted the
> job was done. Yes, I do this kind of jobs and I plan to do even more
> and to offer other services, too... but you will not find a post of
> mine trying to mix the two.
> I love(d) to help people in the forum, and even if I was mean
> sometimes... I think I helped many WP users. If I return to post in
> the forum again - I want to do it so that everybody knows: this is a
> free support!
> So, if there is a chance to not mix my "business" and my volunteering
> that's great. The separate page solution would be better in this
> regard.
> I wrote all the above to demonstrate that even for us, WP-Forum
> veterans (?), this is not an easy issue. If it is to vote ==> my vote
> goes to a separate page. Who and how will make the decision about the
> 'entry barrier'... that might be the next long-long thread here :)
> moshu
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