[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #62437: Bundled Themes: Edit package-related details in block theme PHP files (was: Bundled Themes: PHPCS Fixes)

WordPress Trac noreply at wordpress.org
Wed Jan 15 19:14:42 UTC 2025

#62437: Bundled Themes: Edit package-related details in block theme PHP files
 Reporter:  viralsampat    |       Owner:  (none)
     Type:  defect (bug)   |      Status:  new
 Priority:  lowest         |   Milestone:  6.8
Component:  Bundled Theme  |     Version:
 Severity:  normal         |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  has-patch      |     Focuses:  docs, coding-standards
Changes (by sabernhardt):

 * focuses:  coding-standards => docs, coding-standards

Old description:

> Hello Team,
> I have checked wp-admin & wp-includes folders and found few PHPcs fixes.
> - There must be exactly one blank line after the file comment
> - Missing @package tag in file comment
> I have applied a patch which will fix this issue.
> Thanks,

New description:

 Hello Team,

 I have checked ~~wp-admin & wp-includes folders~~ and found few PHPcs

 - ~~There must be exactly one blank line after the file comment~~
 - Missing @package tag in file comment

 I have applied a patch which will fix this issue.




 I revised the summary and description to focus on package-related
 information in bundled block theme PHP files, even though this ticket was
 originally about `wp-admin` and `wp-includes`.
 - 62437.patch edits 49 files outside bundled themes, not all related,
 including some external libraries.
 - 62437.2.patch edits 106 files in bundled themes, including 38 that are
 already part of #62166 and its PR.
 - 62437.3.patch edits 15 files outside bundled themes, not all related,
 including some external libraries.

 62437.4.patch proposes (incomplete) changes to
 - 57 files in `twentytwentyfour/patterns`
  * @package WordPress
  * @subpackage Twenty_Twenty_Four
 - 7 files in `twentytwentythree/patterns`
  * @package WordPress


 Current status of the PHP files:
 - TT5 has `package`, `subpackage` and `since` in `functions.php` and all
 its block patterns (plus these details are aligned in the `hidden-written-
 by` and `text-faqs` patterns).
 - TT4 only identifies the `package` and `since` version in the
 `functions.php` file, and the naming is not consistent with other themes.
 "Twenty Twenty-Four" is the `package` name, while other themes are
 subpackages of WordPress, and the name has a space and a hyphen instead of
 underscores. None of the theme's pattern files have these details.
 - TT3 has `package`, `subpackage` and `since` in `functions.php` but none
 of this information in the theme's seven block patterns.
 - TT2 has `package`, `subpackage` and `since` in `functions.php` and only
 the `since` version in the pattern registration file (`inc/block-
 patterns.php`). None of the theme's individual pattern files have these

Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/62437#comment:5>
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