[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #61040: Provide a framework for plugin onboarding experiences

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Sat May 11 00:41:06 UTC 2024

#61040: Provide a framework for plugin onboarding experiences
 Reporter:  jorbin       |       Owner:  (none)
     Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  new
 Priority:  normal       |   Milestone:  Awaiting Review
Component:  Plugins      |     Version:
 Severity:  normal       |  Resolution:
 Keywords:               |     Focuses:  administration

Comment (by kevinwhoffman):

 Replying to [comment:34 joostdevalk]:
 > I think the long-term solution is actually fairly easy: display an AJAX
 message for each activated plugin, but allow filtering of the AJAX
 activation message by the just activated plugin, for example to include a
 link to your onboarding.
 > Much less work than what everyone is proposing here, it seems to me.

 I'm not sure a filterable message is much less work than what we've been
 discussing. It sounds similar to what I suggested in

 > The proposed filter and "Configure" link would restore some consistency
 to the plugin activation experience while still giving plugins with first-
 time onboarding experiences a clear method of directing users to their
 preferred next step. We could even consider making the "Configure" text
 filterable by plugin developers so the button can say "Start Onboarding,"
 "Continue Onboarding", etc. based on the configuration that's been done so
 far. That's the type of clarity and control that I hope this framework can
 offer to developers and users alike.

 The advantage of the "Configure" link over an AJAX message is that it
 positions the next action in the same place where the "Activate" action
 was previously taken, so the user is already looking at that exact spot in
 the UI. This is a pattern that WordPress core already follows with Install
 > Activate and that many app stores follow with workflows to Install >
 Open, Get > Open, etc.

 @joostdevalk If there was a filterable AJAX message, where would it be
 displayed? In the plugin card, an admin notice at the top of the screen,
 or somewhere else?

Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/61040#comment:35>
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