[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #31071: media / post_mime_type related queries are very slow on larger sites
WordPress Trac
noreply at wordpress.org
Tue Apr 4 17:26:18 UTC 2017
#31071: media / post_mime_type related queries are very slow on larger sites
Reporter: archon810 | Owner: pento
Type: defect (bug) | Status: assigned
Priority: normal | Milestone: Future
Component: Media | Release
Severity: normal | Version: 4.1
Keywords: dev-feedback reporter-feedback 2nd- | Resolution:
opinion has-patch | Focuses:
| performance
Comment (by sboisvert):
>Bypassing these and always returning 1 doesn't really have much of an ill
effect even when the media type is missing from the library - its similar
to going to add a gallery when you have no images in the library. Can we
bypass these entirely once a site has a certain number of media items?
Perhaps then we can remove them completely? It doesn't seem to add much to
the UI (it might even confuse folks who are looking for buttons that they
saw on another site but they are missing here) And the slowdowns are quite
noticeable on many sites.
Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/31071#comment:55>
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