[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #27159: Removing TinyMCE buttons to improve user experience
WordPress Trac
noreply at wordpress.org
Tue Sep 13 17:39:10 UTC 2016
#27159: Removing TinyMCE buttons to improve user experience
Reporter: hugobaeta | Owner:
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: 4.7
Component: TinyMCE | Version: 3.8
Severity: normal | Resolution:
Keywords: needs-patch needs-screenshots | Focuses: ui,
needs-research needs-user-testing | administration
Comment (by mrwweb):
Replying to [comment:47 mor10]:
> My proposal would be to disable it by default, and then provide a filter
theme / plugin devs can use to reintroduce it where necessary.
The `formatselect` can already be filtered in
tiny_mce_before_init] The theme omitting H1 feels edge-casey enough that
this seems sufficient.
> 3. I oppose removing any of the buttons currently in the editor because
a) people (devs and users) rely on them, and b) they all serve a relevant
function. We can argue until the cows come home about the value of each of
the existing buttons, but in the end what we have is an already heavily
pruned list of features that people are used to. Further reduction of the
list doesn't seem to improve UX in any significant way in my opinion.
At least in my mind, removing buttons can improve the UX for the editor OR
site visitor in cases. The full justification is the easiest example as
this undeniably decreases the readability of text.
> 5. Specifically to the question of Underline: An underline is
semantically different from an underlined link, functioning as a further
emphasis. You can underline normal, bold, and italicized text as well as
text links. Theme developers can and should style a standard underline in
a different way from a link underline. They should also ensure a link is
not solely signified by an underline.
I don't disagree in theory but I almost never see themes implementing a
nice underline style that is visually distinct (I have no doubt yours
does! 😜). Further, I most commonly see people underline headings and then
I see users frustrated by trying to click them. This is one of those cases
where I feel like theory loses out to practice.
And similar to above, the `mce_button` filters are super easy to use. I
think it would be positive to put some pressure on themes to only include
an editor button if they provide styles to warrant it. (This probably has
some pretty bad theme-switching experience downsides, but then again, so
does changing font colors...)
> 6. @iseulde, I understand the idea of reducing the width of `formselect`
by only displaying "H", but this field is already somewhat mysterious to
the end-user, and I fear such a change would make it ununderstandable.
'''Strongly agree.'''
> 7. Any removal of a feature, to be provided only as a shortcut, is
effectively a full removal of the feature...If a feature is not visible in
the UI, the user will assume the feature does not exist.
...unless they were "Power Users" or previous users. My own experience
working with people suggests that removing buttons isn't missed unless
they knew they were there before. Given that much of the concern over
removing buttons is regarding existing users, this feels like an
acceptable alternative that improves the experience for new users.
Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/27159#comment:62>
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