[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #34560: High memory usage ( and possible server error) editing post with many/large revisions

WordPress Trac noreply at wordpress.org
Wed Jul 6 13:29:09 UTC 2016

#34560: High memory usage ( and possible server error) editing post with many/large
 Reporter:  pdfernhout               |       Owner:  adamsilverstein
     Type:  defect (bug)             |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  normal                   |   Milestone:  4.6
Component:  Revisions                |     Version:  3.6
 Severity:  major                    |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  needs-unit-tests has-    |     Focuses:  administration,
  patch dev-feedback needs-testing   |  performance
  punt                               |

Comment (by adamsilverstein):

 Replying to [comment:60 ocean90]:
 > Why would you need to load the edit screen here? Unit tests for each of
 the functions should be fine.

 You are right except that I am introducing some new functions here, still
 I can test the before/after for each change.

 > Are you able to get a patch ready by end of the week? The latest one
 still looks like it requires a lot of work (unit tests, docs, why does it
 use raw queries?, why are some `current_user_can()` removed?) I have the
 feeling that this needs to land earlier in a cycle.

 I agree this should probably be punted as I haven't been able to give it
 the attention it needs.

 The removed `current_user_can` is reintroduced in a different spot, I will
 double check that change is required.

 The raw queries are used in part because I am trying to perform queries in
 the most performant, least memory consumptive way - that are currently not
 supported by WP_Query. (for example selecting a group of fields, not
 including 'content' and 'excerpt'). I reviewed these queries with @nacin
 and @pento and we agreed that although they are fine, its worth exploring
 extending WP_Query to support these cases (especially the `fields` query
 which would be quite useful). If we add that, we may be able to use
 WP_Query entirely and benefit from caching. I'd like to work on this
 before proceeding further and should have some time next week at WCNY
 contributor day; if you need to punt before then I understand and will
 keep working towards early 4.7.

Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/34560#comment:61>
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