[wp-meta] [Making WordPress.org] #7196: Contributor Mentorship Program - Graduate and Facilitator Badge

Making WordPress.org noreply at wordpress.org
Wed Nov 1 22:17:42 UTC 2023

#7196: Contributor Mentorship Program - Graduate and Facilitator Badge
 Reporter:  Nao           |       Owner:  (none)
     Type:  defect (bug)  |      Status:  new
 Priority:  normal        |   Milestone:
Component:  General       |  Resolution:
 Keywords:                |

Comment (by coffee2code):

 Badges are tied to teams. Under what team's scope would these badges fall?
 Based on using the Training Team's badge color, I assume the Training

 For context, badges are also intended to recognize direct contribution to
 the project. Badges are not intended as an incentive for participation
 (though some may view them that way) nor to commemorate an accomplishment
 or event that doesn't relate to contributing to the WordPress project.

 A "Mentorship Program Facilitator" badge might be in line with this
 mandate assuming they can't just be assigned the team's Team badge. Since
 this seems to be a Training Team effort, couldn't mentorship program
 facilitators earn the Training Team badge? Or if this is a Community Team
 effort, then their team badge? (As an example, the Jobs site moderators
 have a distinct scope of contribution, but they earn the Meta Team badge
 and not a dedicated badge.) There can be many paths to a team's Team

 But moreso I don't feel that a "Mentorship Program Graduate" fits. At
 least based on its wording, it seems to commemorate a person completing a
 learning program. That in and of itself isn't a contribution; using that
 learning to actually do mentoring would be a contribution. Is it possible
 to measure mentoring contributions? If so, I'd suggest instead having a
 "Mentor" badge that is earned after completing the program and having
 applied that mentorship learning in some non-trivial way (i.e. mentoring N
 months or N number of people, even if those criteria are low). "Mentor"
 seems a very vague badge though, but forgive me I'm not familiar with the
 program or who mentors are mentoring. Something more specific like
 "Training Mentor" or "Community Mentor" would be better, for whatever is
 most appropriate. But again, couldn't mentors just earn the Training or
 Community Contributor badge instead?

Ticket URL: <https://meta.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/7196#comment:9>
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