[wp-meta] [Making WordPress.org] #6938: #WP20 From Blogs to Blocks: Unique Badge Event

Making WordPress.org noreply at wordpress.org
Wed Nov 1 22:12:49 UTC 2023

#6938: #WP20 From Blogs to Blocks: Unique Badge Event
 Reporter:  meaganhanes                          |       Owner:  (none)
     Type:  feature request                      |      Status:  closed
 Priority:  high                                 |   Milestone:
Component:  Profiles                             |  Resolution:  invalid
 Keywords:  2nd-opinion needs-design-feedback    |
  needs-copy-review has-screenshots              |
Changes (by coffee2code):

 * status:  new => closed
 * resolution:   => invalid
 * component:  WordPress.org Site => Profiles


 While I applaud and encourage the WP20 From Blocks to Blogs effort and
 those like it, this proposal aims to upend the way badges have been
 conceived and managed thus far.

 As I said in the Slack discussion on this matter (and a number of times in
 the past), badges are a means to recognize direct contribution to the
 project. Event participation historically hasn’t been considered project
 contribution, at least as far as badges go. (For instance, despite
 requests to do so in the past, we do not have badges for WordCamp or
 Meetup attendance.) And from what I see, many of the prompts encourage
 project contribution, which have a chance to earn badges in their own

 > There are no current means or methods for granting non-team badges to
 dot-org contributors.

 Badges are inherently tied to contributor teams because they are
 recognition of contributions through those teams.

 > We can expand the definition of participation as necessary as other
 methods are identified.

 Again, this gets to heart of the matter. Badges recognize contribution,
 not merely participation.

 They are not intended to incentivize participation (though some may view
 them that way) nor to commemorate an accomplishment or event that doesn't
 relate to contributing to the WordPress project. Attendance at events,
 taking courses, getting certifications, having a WP blog, individually
 advocating for WP in posts/articles/social media, even participating in
 Slack team chats, or generally participating in the WP discourse are all
 nice, and may be helpful, but they are not considered project

 If, say, the Marketing Team were to make participation in this event
 worthy of the Marketing Contributor badge, then that would be their right,
 even if discouraged. But a full badge for this and things like it runs
 counter to the current ethos of the way we manage badges. As such, I'm
 closing this request as 'invalid' for the fact that this isn't the intent
 of our badges.

Ticket URL: <https://meta.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/6938#comment:9>
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