[wp-meta] [Making WordPress.org] #3201: Improve CampTix 'Notify' function, including adding auto-save and an Editor-style email composition

Making WordPress.org noreply at wordpress.org
Mon Mar 19 16:05:01 UTC 2018

#3201: Improve CampTix 'Notify' function, including adding auto-save and an
Editor-style email composition
 Reporter:  alicestill                  |       Owner:
     Type:  enhancement                 |      Status:  new
 Priority:  normal                      |   Milestone:
Component:  WordCamp Site & Plugins     |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  good-first-bug needs-patch  |

Comment (by alicestill):

 I checked out the BuddyPress email system today and agree with Paul – it
 would be a massive improvement. Documentation here:

 It works much the same as adding posts, so would be easy for WordCamp
 organisers to pick up and use right away. It even comes with some nice
 extras, such as the ability to edit email colours. Integrating this
 existing system also addresses the potential HTML display issues Ian
 mentioned as it's already in use – and is proven to work – with emails
 that display nicely.

 Very important to note that the BuddyPress system would need to be merged
 with Notify's existing ability to email subsections of attendees (i.e. the
 "Attendees matching any/all of the following" function). But this would be
 a handy addition to BuddyPress too, so it makes sense to work this
 function in. The BP system has 'Situations', which may not be needed for
 Camptix, or if they are, they'd likely need to be customised so they're
 relevant to WordCamps. Other than that, BuddyPress's email system would be
 an excellent replacement for Notify more or less as is.

 I think it would be a big time saver for organisers, so would be enough to
 discourage exporting large amounts of attendee data to other third-party
 mailing systems.

 Going forward it has the potential for further improvements, e.g. you
 could create a sponsors block; you could add the ability to email specific
 people, rather than subsets (reducing the need for Gmail); and you could
 add the ability to view emails online – among other things.

Ticket URL: <https://meta.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/3201#comment:5>
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