[wp-forums] Services forum

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Fri Mar 17 10:04:48 GMT 2006

Something to kick things off:

Sticky#1: Buying services?
- WP.org and all forum moderators and members are not endorsing any
services offered here. If anyone says they are 'approved' they are lying.
- Get more than one quote
- Be very clear before you agree just what it is you expect doing. Go
into detail.
- Providing feedback is always useful but do not take the lack of
feedback on someone's thread as being a negative thing.
- Payment of 50% at the start of the task and 50% at the end is suggested

Sticky#2: Selling services?
- WP.org and all forum moderators and members are not endorsing any
services offered here. If you say you are 'approved' or use any other
language that suggests such status your posts to this forum will be deleted.
- Be very clear about what the client wants you to do.
- Payment of 50% at the start of the task and 50% at the end is suggested
- Negative feedback will remain in a thread except for that containing
- These forum rules are absolute and may be changed at any time.


The above is off the top of my head and not intended to be anything
other than a starting point for discussion.


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