[wp-forums] "official" policy should be made

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Fri Mar 17 09:22:36 GMT 2006

Michael B wrote:
> And if that's the case, then why should any of us offer to do
> things for free?

WordPress is free and it's sort of doing ok :)

Maybe people saying "Pay me!" will lead to people saying "I'll do it for
free". When people post about others wanting money - and I don't mean
for custom jobs or complex tasks - then we just need to say that they ca
always offer to do it for nothing. After all, it doesn't take that long
to install, sling a few plugins and a couple of themes into a domain.
(The actual problem is the continual emails from that person who assumes
you are the fount of all knowledge)
I had a guy from the forums who asked for WP, I did it he then asked
what WP was and when I told him he said it wasn't what he wanted and
would I install phpBB instead. I declined that gripping opportunity.

So maybe that effect could happen?


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