[wp-design] Categories / Tags in 1.6

Matthew Mullenweg m at mullenweg.com
Sat Sep 24 21:35:46 GMT 2005

Michael Heilemann wrote:
> Seeing as how you can add categories on the fly in 1.6, I think we might 
> need to have a closer look at solutions for 100+ categories on the write 
> page. Some people are bound to use categories as tags, and that's going 
> to cause problems with the current solution, which is geared towards 
> old-school categories.

How so? It scrolls. It's ordered by most commonly used. You can select 
categories just by typing them in and it'll bump them to the top. The 
box needs to be more intuitive, and it needs to support multiple cats by 
separating by commas. What else would you like it to do?

Matt Mullenweg
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