[wp-design] Re: Just a quick clarification

Joshua Sigar jls_online at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 5 21:01:45 GMT 2005

>> The way we're working now, where we simply take the
current version, work
on it and share it

Well, then someone has to tell him that (to work off
the current version)
explicitly. Otherwise, I can't stand it if he would
join and says, "It
should've...," "That's completely wrong...," etc and
then we have to revise
major portion of current version.

>> if not we continue till we finish this, deadline
being end of september,
What deadline is this exactly? "Write Post" panel, all
admin panels, [fill
in the blank]?

-----Original Message-----
From: wp-design-bounces at lists.automattic.com
[mailto:wp-design-bounces at lists.automattic.com] On
Behalf Of Michael
Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 1:46 PM
To: wp-design at lists.automattic.com
Subject: Re: [wp-design] Re: Just a quick

The way I look at it, is 'the more versions-a-week,
the better'.

The way we're working now, where we simply take the
current version, work on
it and share it, seems to work great, and I don't see
it working worse with
one more guy in the game.

I won't push for it, but I don't mind it either.

On 9/5/05, khaled Abou Alfa <brokenkode at gmail.com>
> I think eventually we should open this up, and it
will serve it's 
> purpose for sure, the noise will be filtered out
>  As for bringing Bryan in, honestly I think he's a
great designer and 
> I know he could contribute. The question is, is it
the right time to 
> bring another head in, now that we're nearly there
with the first 
> version? If I'd been asked this question 1 week ago
my answer would 
> have been definitely (2 months ago it seemed like
the right idea as 
> well), this week, I'm not so sure.
>  If everyone's cool with it I can easily drop him a
line and we've got 
> another person on the list, who's keen. if not we
continue till we 
> finish this, deadline being end of september, no
more :)

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