[wp-design] WYSIWYG anyone?

Matthew Mullenweg m at mullenweg.com
Mon Feb 21 17:20:35 GMT 2005

Joen Asmussen wrote:
> * Bold, Italic, Hyperlink, Insert Image, Various Text-aligns, Hx, UL and 
> OL. Possibly even spell checker if possible. No Java of course.

Without text align

> * "Insert Image" is something I'd like to discuss further at some point, 
> because IMHO it should in some way be married to "Upload". One way could 
> be to have an "Upload file" link somewhere on the write page, that 
> opened in a popup window (I think a popup could be appropriate here). 
> Another could be to have an almost "wizard" like step by step image 
> uploading widget, that would even generate HTML code for you. Perfect 
> for the WYSIWYG editor.

That'd be tres cool.

Matt Mullenweg
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