[theme-reviewers] WordPress Trademark

Otto otto at ottodestruct.com
Mon Oct 28 18:25:56 UTC 2013

To answer your questions very specifically:

> 1. The word "WordPress" isn't allowed on Theme/Author/Credit domain? Is it
> allowed on sub-folder names? Like, wordpressdomain.com or
> domain.com/wordpress/.

Top-level domain names is what really concerns us here.

We don't allow it to be the URL given for either plugins or themes
listed in the WordPress.org directory. Sometimes they sneak past, and
we go through them every so often and do a "purge". In such a case, we
attempt to contact the owners of the domains in question and inform
that they are infringing on the WordPress trademark, and ask them to
change their domain name. If they do not respond in a reasonable
amount of time, then we remove the plugin/theme in question. This has
happened a few times, and almost everybody changes their domain name.
Only very rarely do we have to resort to having lawyers send letters.

> 2. Can the Theme/Author/Credit link use WordPress logo (anywhere in the
> page) since that licensed under GPL? (Everything on WordPress.org is GPL, am
> I right?)

This depends on the specific use. It's one thing to use the logo in a
post if you're talking about WordPress or saying that your theme works
on WordPress or something like that. But it is wholly another thing to
use the logo in a way that makes it seem like your business is
officially sanctioned or supported by WordPress.

> 3. Is it required to obtain permission from WordPress Foundation to use
> WordPress logo in the theme website logo that offers premium versions of
> their free themes?

Yes, it is required. And the answer will almost certainly be "no" for
any form of commercial usage.

From: http://wordpressfoundation.org/trademark-policy/

We will grant permission to use the WordPress name and logo for
projects that meet the following criteria:

1. The primary purpose of your project is to promote the spread and
improvement of the WordPress software.
2. Your project is non-commercial in nature (it can make money to
cover its costs or contribute to non-profit entities, but it cannot be
run as a for-profit project or business).
3. Your project neither promotes nor is associated with entities that
currently fail to comply with the GPL license under which WordPress is


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