[theme-reviewers] Adding warnings to Theme-Check for remove_filter on wpautop and wptexturize

Marvin Luginbill spooky at metalink.net
Thu Sep 6 20:39:36 UTC 2012

From: Japheth Thomson 
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2012 8:50 PM
To: theme-reviewers at lists.wordpress.org 
Subject: Re: [theme-reviewers] Adding warnings to Theme-Check for remove_filter on wpautop and wptexturize

Yeah, it seems strange. There's a tutorial here: http://tutorials.mysitemyway.com/adding-column-layout-shortcodes-to-a-wordpress-theme/#highlighter_671922 which seems to claim that the <p></p> and <br /> tags mess with column shortcodes, or something like that? 

On 6 September 2012 10:47, Justin Tadlock <justin at justintadlock.com> wrote:

  I can't really think of a reason a theme should be doing either of those things at all.  There might be some legitimate uses (from a theme perspective) but none come to mind at the moment. 

  On 9/5/2012 7:27 PM, Japheth Thomson wrote:


    There's been some discussion today on Twitter, and a blog post I wrote ( http://japh.co/NSXyTr ), about themes that run code like:

      remove_filter( 'the_content', 'wpautop' );
      remove_filter( 'the_content', 'wptexturize' );

    And also implementing a [raw][/raw] shortcode like http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-remove-wpautop-wptexturize-with-a-shortcode

    Could we add checks for these things into Theme-Check? And would it be sensible to do so?


    Japh Thomson
    WordPress Evangelist
    japh at envato.com


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Japh Thomson
WordPress Evangelist
japh at envato.com

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