[theme-reviewers] please remove me from these emails

Ruth1973 at aol.com Ruth1973 at aol.com
Thu Sep 1 13:38:48 UTC 2011

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Hermann Hesse,
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"Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or  consumed. 
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gratitude." ~ Denis Waitley

In a message dated 9/1/2011 9:12:18 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
life.object at gmail.com writes:

Thanks  Chip,  
It is awesome and self explanatory. 


On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 5:43 PM, Chip Bennett <_chip at chipbennett.net_ 
(mailto:chip at chipbennett.net) >  wrote:

So, here's my first stab at an in-ticket approval note:  

Theme  Approval
Congratulations! The Trac ticket for your Theme has been approved, and  
your Theme is now ready to be synchronized to Extend, after which it will  be 
available publicly. Please note: the synchronization process from SVN  to 
Extend is manual, and generally completed by a WPTRT admin on a daily  basis. 
Your Theme may take a day or two to go "live" in Extend. Thank you  for your 
patience in this final step of the  process!

I may wordsmith/tweak it, but I think it conveys the important  information?


On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 7:46 AM, Qamar Ashraf <_life.object at gmail.com_ 
(mailto:life.object at gmail.com) > wrote:

Thanks Mario,  

That's a positive feedback for me and many others. I have  already 
submitted a comment to become the part of Theme Reviewing Process  in the Trac 
Ticket Request Queue. I will did my best to utilize my free  time in speeding the 
process of Theme Reviewing.  

On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 5:17 PM, Mario Peshev <_mario at peshev.net_ 
(mailto:mario at peshev.net) > wrote:


Some of us started doing volunteer reviewing after theme submission  for 
approval and when checking the long waiting list. So you are free to  speed up 
that process yourself if you want it to get quicker.

Mario Peshev
freelance software  developer/trainer
_http://www.linkedin.com/in/mpeshev_ (http://www.linkedin.com/in/mpeshev) 
_http://peshev.net/blog_ (http://peshev.net/blog)   

On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 3:02 PM, Qamar Ashraf  <_life.object at gmail.com_ 
(mailto:life.object at gmail.com) > wrote:

Sorry Emil,  
I am not trying to get first but trying to focus,

- 2 weeks are not fair. nor for me :)  but for everyone. And  there are 
definitely some peoples who are not using the  email list, but just waiting to 
see their theme public. If the theme  does not go live, they are always in 
dark. I am also a case before  joining this.
- There might be a good solution to speed up the process that may  emerge 
with this discussion. So i think it is not useless.

* At-least one thing is clear with this discussion that  we all have to 
wait with patience up-to week  before  asking any reviewers to make their theme 
live. is it not ?

On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 4:46 PM, Emil Uzelac  <_emil at themeid.com_ 
(mailto:emil at themeid.com) > wrote:

I am sorry, but this last email is really funny. Yes, because we  do this 
free there is a delay, come on now! Just an FYI, most of the  reviewers are 
also the developers, we are on the same waiting list  as everyone else, no 
special privileges for us, or even WordPress  Theme Team. 
One thing we all should be doing is stop wasting each others time  with 
emails like this, focus on development not the time or who gets  where first.  
This message's brevity courtesy of my Android. 

On Aug 30, 2011 11:37 PM, "Qamar Ashraf" <_life.object at gmail.com_ 
(mailto:life.object at gmail.com) > wrote:


- But Two Weeks are not good.
- And why some themes go live first which were approved later  as compared 
to some previously approved themes. Is there a no way  to live in sequence 
of approval ?
- 3-4 days are fairly good and that period is also a source  of passion to 
the developers who are contributing to the Open  Source.

Sometimes more delay cause lack of interest to the  development. "Sorry 
Otto but Just an Example", i am waiting for  the review of my already approved 
theme. Ticket is created 41  hours ago and assigned to a reviewer 38 hours 
ago, and there is no  any response yet.

I know the team is volunteer, but is delay  a solution if we are volunteers?

On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 11:59 PM,  Angelo Bertolli 
<_angelo.bertolli at gmail.com_ (mailto:angelo.bertolli at gmail.com) >  wrote:

> On  08/30/2...  
Qamar Ashraf
Project  Manager
_www.tutorialchip.com_ (http://www.tutorialchip.com/) 
_www.freestockphotosclub.com_ (http://www.freestockphotosclub.com/) 


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Qamar Ashraf
Project Manager
_www.tutorialchip.com_ (http://www.tutorialchip.com/) 
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Qamar Ashraf
Project Manager
_www.tutorialchip.com_ (http://www.tutorialchip.com/) 
_www.freestockphotosclub.com_ (http://www.freestockphotosclub.com/) 
_www.twunfollowapp.com_ (http://www.twunfollowapp.com/) 

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Qamar Ashraf
Project Manager
_www.tutorialchip.com_ (http://www.tutorialchip.com/) 
_www.freestockphotosclub.com_ (http://www.freestockphotosclub.com/) 
_www.twunfollowapp.com_ (http://www.twunfollowapp.com/) 

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