[theme-reviewers] Simple-Blue-Dashed 1.0

chip at chipbennett.net chip at chipbennett.net
Fri Jun 11 01:25:21 UTC 2010

Awesome! Glad to have someone break the ice, so to speak, with a first
theme review!

> When posting a review, please include the theme reviewer list (looks
> like it got left off the reply) and start a new thread (subject line).

Updated the subject line to reflect theme being reviewed.

>  I'll include my feed back inline:
> On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 4:00 PM, Cipr.vb <cypr.vb at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Ok, so... Simple-Blue-Dashed 1.0 review
>> As for the design:
>> Colors areƂ awful.. poor choice.. the blue background and white text
>> hurts
>> the eyes..Visual hierarchy is very low and a lot of elements are not
>> aligned
>> correctly, spacing is also off and the font is plain and simple ugly.
>> Text
>> size, text spacing is again very badly proportioned (content text too
>> big).
>> No footer (no designed footer with any text or images, sidebar or custom
>> fields.. it's just the wp_footer() function) exists and the sidebar has
>> a
>> very ugly "feature" where the text is at a angle a little..
> I thought at first the angle thing was just me when I looked at this,
> glad to know my eyes aren't that crazy yet :-)  Not sure what the idea
> was there.  Same with the footer, not sure why there's not something
> down there.
>> Functionality:
>> Functionality seems ok even though it's pretty minimalistic. The widgets
>> have the default layout.
>> I did notice though there is no support for multiple pages...
> When I look at the "Layout Test" post with this theme I see links to
> the separate pages.  Was there another part that didn't support
> multiple pages?
>> Other than that I think once these problems will be fixed (that I must
>> say,
>> are very hard to fix to make it a good looking theme)
>> I only tested in chrome for mac so far.
>> I also attached a few images to explain the design issues. If Images
>> can't
>> be seen please let me know.
> Although the spacing isn't exactly what I'd necessarily pick, I don't
> think it's too crazy.

The layout/spacing issues, at least from the screenshots, appear to be
more a matter of aesthetics/personal taste than usability/design

Of course, getting feedback based on the aesthetics of other theme
developers is important and useful (and helps one know if one's own design
sense is too far off-base).

But, that said: should our reviews focus more on the public-facing theme
design/rendering, or should we focus more on the code structure, proper
use of WP functions and tags, security, etc.?

(I mainly ask, as I am getting ready to start my own assigned review.)

> A few other things I noticed when trying out this theme:
> - no comment threading support
> - no "home" link any where.  Usually the blog title links back to the
> front page (or some times there is a separate home link), but I didn't
> see any way to link back to the home page.  Rather frustrating
> Keep trying it out, then let's put this all together and we'll get it
> back to the theme author.
> --
> Joseph Scott
> joseph at josephscott.org
> http://josephscott.org/
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