[theme-reviewers] introductions

Josh Leuze jleuze at gmail.com
Thu Jun 10 04:34:53 UTC 2010

Hi everybody, I'm Josh Leuze. It's great to see so many people ready to
pitch in.

I have been using WordPress for a few years and have been developing
websites with WordPress full time for the last year. My focus has primarily
been on theme development, but I have started to dabble in plugins as well.

I volunteer in the support forums answering questions mostly related to
themes. I think the problems users run into there would be good things to
watch out for in new themes.
-Josh Leuze

On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 3:31 PM, Joseph Scott <joseph at automattic.com> wrote:

> Hello, and thank you for joining in on the theme review call for help.
>  I've just gone through and approved several requests to join this
> list, so hopefully you are in the right place.
> If your are here then you've expressed an interest in helping with the
> WordPress.org theme directory.  Let me say right up front, thank you!
> Sounds like an instructor on the first day of class: welcome to
> Anthropology 103, if that isn't what you expected then now is the time
> to find the right class room :-)
> Moving along.  This is a new email list, with lots of new people
> subscribed.  Please do a quick introduction, who you are are, a little
> bit of background, your WordPress URL, etc.
> Doing theme reviews on a broader scale like this really is a bit of an
> experiment, I expect that we'll make adjustments as we figure things
> out along the way.  Some items to help everyone get up to speed:
> - make sure you have a WordPress.org account already
> - know where http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/ is :-)
> - the theme review check list in the codex, make sure you are
> comfortable importing the test data
> http://codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Development_Checklist#Theme_Unit_Test
> One idea that has recently been tossed around is putting together a
> theme review score card.  Something that would help quantify some of
> the review process.  A simple scale of 1 to 5 (perhaps 1 to 3?) for
> different categories like security, following code guide lines,
> supports WP core features, etc.
> While getting this list up and going I'm also moving the existing
> theme review emails to this list as well, so you'll be seeing some
> back and forth on themes currently in the review queue.
> I'd like to see nice, high quality themes for the directory and
> another big thank you for volunteering to work with theme authors to
> help make that possible.
> Here's my intro blurb:
> Hi, I'm Joseph Scott.  I've been using WordPress since 2004, after
> giving up on writing my own blog software (seems like everyone back
> then tried to write their own before finally going to WP).  I started
> doing WordPress work full time when I joined Automattic, I contribute
> to both the WordPress.org community project as well as work on
> WordPress.com.  What seems like a long time ago now I wrote the code
> for the original Prologue theme (which others continued to enhance,
> into what is now P2).  One of the areas I focus on in WordPress are
> the XML-RPC APIs.  I've also done work in the realtime(ish) area for
> WordPress, with plugins for both rssCloud and PubSubHubbub (PuSH).
> --
> Joseph Scott
> joseph at josephscott.org
> http://josephscott.org/
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