[theme-reviewers] introductions

Joseph Scott joseph at automattic.com
Wed Jun 9 20:31:42 UTC 2010

Hello, and thank you for joining in on the theme review call for help.
 I've just gone through and approved several requests to join this
list, so hopefully you are in the right place.

If your are here then you've expressed an interest in helping with the
WordPress.org theme directory.  Let me say right up front, thank you!

Sounds like an instructor on the first day of class: welcome to
Anthropology 103, if that isn't what you expected then now is the time
to find the right class room :-)

Moving along.  This is a new email list, with lots of new people
subscribed.  Please do a quick introduction, who you are are, a little
bit of background, your WordPress URL, etc.

Doing theme reviews on a broader scale like this really is a bit of an
experiment, I expect that we'll make adjustments as we figure things
out along the way.  Some items to help everyone get up to speed:

- make sure you have a WordPress.org account already
- know where http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/ is :-)
- the theme review check list in the codex, make sure you are
comfortable importing the test data

One idea that has recently been tossed around is putting together a
theme review score card.  Something that would help quantify some of
the review process.  A simple scale of 1 to 5 (perhaps 1 to 3?) for
different categories like security, following code guide lines,
supports WP core features, etc.

While getting this list up and going I'm also moving the existing
theme review emails to this list as well, so you'll be seeing some
back and forth on themes currently in the review queue.

I'd like to see nice, high quality themes for the directory and
another big thank you for volunteering to work with theme authors to
help make that possible.

Here's my intro blurb:

Hi, I'm Joseph Scott.  I've been using WordPress since 2004, after
giving up on writing my own blog software (seems like everyone back
then tried to write their own before finally going to WP).  I started
doing WordPress work full time when I joined Automattic, I contribute
to both the WordPress.org community project as well as work on
WordPress.com.  What seems like a long time ago now I wrote the code
for the original Prologue theme (which others continued to enhance,
into what is now P2).  One of the areas I focus on in WordPress are
the XML-RPC APIs.  I've also done work in the realtime(ish) area for
WordPress, with plugins for both rssCloud and PubSubHubbub (PuSH).

Joseph Scott
joseph at josephscott.org

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