[wp-hackers] OT: "Nofollow" Rant

Craig Hartel craig at nuclearmoose.com
Sat Jan 22 22:06:53 GMT 2005

Chris Traweek wrote:
> This has to be one of the silliest things I've read all day.  I'm
> assuming you don't have a job where you're paid?

What kind of a question is that? I don't understand your point at all.

  Have you ever done
> work on something you believe in?  Do you even have any clue what the
> Google development environment is like?

Nope, I have no clue what the environment is like. I do know that the
environment is set up TO ACHIEVE GOOGLE'S GOALS. If you believe otherwise then
once you are out of highschool and get into the real world you'll understand that.

> So, they might not be quite like you - but they are like me in that
> some are friends.  Many of which long before they went to work for one
> of the coolest companies in Silicon Valley to work for.

Google may well be the coolest employer on the planet. That is irrelevant to
this discussion. The corporate bottom line is what matters.


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