[wp-hackers] Fwd: Some more i18n

jens persson jens at persson.cx
Sun Jan 16 08:40:09 GMT 2005

lör 2005-01-15 klockan 22:48 -0800 skrev Matt Mullenweg:
> jens persson wrote:
> > Yepp, it's not very user friendly for the templates, but is the plan to
> > keep gettext for the rest of wp (template functions an admin interface)?
> Definitely.

OK, then I'll concentrate on these.

 jens persson         #     Debugging is twice as hard as writing the
 <jens at persson.cx>    #    code in the first place. Therefore, if you
 Mäster Olofsväg 24   #   write the code as cleverly as possible, you
 S-224 66 LUND;SWEDEN #       are, by definition, not smart enough to
                      #   debug it.             -- Brian W. Kernighan

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