[wp-hackers] Fwd: Some more i18n

jens persson jens at persson.cx
Sun Jan 16 06:40:33 GMT 2005

fre 2005-01-14 klockan 08:05 -0800 skrev Matthew Mullenweg:
> jens persson wrote:
> > It's mostly adding __() and _e() calls to kubrik, but also some changes
> > from sting concatenation to printf calls making the strings easier to
> > translate and in a few places I changed the messages to get better
> > consistency.
> We're leaning towards not cluttering the templates with localization 
> calls anymore, rather just distributing pre-localized templates with the 
> pre-localized downloads we plan on doing. Having all of the text in a 
> template inside <?php ?> tags can be pretty intimidating for new users.

Yepp, it's not very user friendly for the templates, but is the plan to
keep gettext for the rest of wp (template functions an admin interface)?

 jens persson         #                                 Brooks's Law:
 <jens at persson.cx>    #    Adding manpower to a late software project
 Mäster Olofsväg 24   #                               makes it later.
 S-224 66 LUND;SWEDEN #

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