[wp-hackers] Themes breaking plugins?

Mark Jaquith mark.wordpress at txfx.net
Sun Feb 13 05:45:21 GMT 2005

Firas D. wrote:

> Are there any other things to check besides function name uniqueness 
> (ie. a somewhat-unique prefix) and general hook availability?

Hm, that and to make sure they are calling the comments using the 1.3+ 
way, and not the 1.2 way. (i.e. using a function instead of including 
the comments file).  This sort of thing should probably sort itself 
out.  If a theme is poorly designed and doesn't include plugin hooks, 
people are going to notice that it breaks things, and it won't become 
widely used.  The best strategy would probably be to make sure that 
potential theme designers know which elements are essential.

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