[wp-hackers] More anti-spam ideas

inforequest ai6bois02 at sneakemail.com
Mon Sep 27 16:29:13 UTC 2004

Mark Shields laebshade-at-gmail.com |wordpress hackers list 092004| wrote:

>>Since the value is in the resulting backlink, why not remove the value
>to avoid comment spam?
>This can already be done with the Google Redirector and MD5Hash
>plugins.  I use both in conjunction along with Dougal's Tarpit for
>that Extra Protection(r).

If you can write a php header-based 301 redirect  you can save yourself 
some valuable topical relevance  instead of using Googles redirector. 
Simple to do, and it keeps the backlink on your site (instead of wasting 
it on Google).

For those conspiracy theorists amongst us, it also stops short of 
passign Google all that private information about your site's activity 
(don't they know enough about us already?)

-=john andrews (inforesource)

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