[wp-hackers] Themes support

Ryan Boren ryan at boren.nu
Wed Sep 15 18:49:48 UTC 2004

On Wed, 2004-09-15 at 19:53 +0900, Jamie Talbot wrote:
> Hi,
> Just to add to this, I managed to kind of break the theme manager in the CVS as
> of yesterday.
> I installed and activated the Kubrick theme.  All good, looked lovely.  Then I
> deleted the Kubrick folder without deactivating it.  That's the kind of thing
> my mum would do.  When I viewed the site, of course it was unstyled because the
> CSS no longer existed.  However, going back to the Presentation Manager, I found
> that there was no option to turn back on the default styling, even though it
> told me that the default theme was active.  I had to reinstall Kubrick for the
> option to change back to the default style to appear.
> In short, deleting the last theme while it is still active makes the blog
> unstylable until another theme is installed.  I would recommend checking for
> the existence of the active stylesheet when the theme manager is loaded, and
> bailing to the default if it isn't there.  I guess this kind of happens in the
> Plugins manager when an activated plugin is deleted?
> Checking for the existence of the loaded CSS as index.php is executed might also
> be a good or bad idea, depending on time load concerns etc...

I'll work on this tonight.  Thanks for testing.


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