[wp-hackers] MAC Safari and Internet Explorer admin usabillity troubles

Alex King alex at alexking.org
Thu Sep 9 15:43:15 UTC 2004

Hi Bjorn--

On Sep 9, 2004, at 9:37 AM, Bjorn Wijers wrote:

> # clicking on a button results in placing the tag at the end of the 
> line of the text entered even if you have             highlighted the 
> part you want to be affected. (most people first type their info and 
> change the layout afterwards)

The Quicktags aren't cursor aware in Safari because Safari doesn't 
support the needed functionality.

> # CSS troubles on IE5.2 (these seem to be minor but maybe I can fix 
> them and add them to CVS so the next version is perfect...?)

My opinion is that we shouldn't be spending time supporting a browser 
(Mac IE) that isn't supported by the company that makes it (M$), but 
I'm not speaking for the group there. I imagine any patches would be 
accepted if they meet normal criteria.

> How many people actually do use Wordpress 1.2 with MACs and are some 
> of you willing to spend some time in testing??

I develop on a Mac, so does Matt.



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