[wp-hackers] XMLRPC Patches

Emmanuel Frécon emmanuel at sics.se
Wed Sep 1 06:10:06 UTC 2004

Kitty wrote:
> On Tue, 2004-08-31 at 22:36, Emmanuel Frécon wrote:
>>Kitty wrote:
>>>You did start with a current cvs checkout before making your patches,
>>>right? :)
>>No, I did not. The blog that I was working with is going to "production" 
>>and going to be used in a public setting, so I did not want to live "on 
>>the edge".
> Fair enough.
>>I checked what was done using the view CVS feature of SF. I saw nothing 
>>there about media uploading, which is the reason why I started all my 
>>patching really.
> Ok, when you're happy with your patches, send in a diff.

The diff is available as a patch linked from the blog entry below. Some 
of the things that I have done there can be discussed and argued about.


To recap, the patch does the following:

    1. It creates sub-directories when uploading media.
    2. It fixes the encoding of uploaded media.
    3. It reinitialise the post_name field of entries when editing the 
post through the XMLRPC API (see bug report)
    4. It never returns categories in the metaWeblog API (there should 
not be some and the behaviour was buggy
    5. It sets correctly the mt_convert_breaks field to reflect textile, 
markdown or nothing.
    6. It implements a new undocumented API call called 
wp.getOlderPosts. This function behaves exactly as 
metaWeblog.getRecentPosts, but takes a date as a base for the entries to 
be returned, thus enabling callers to get a bunch of (past) entries more 

item 5 is interesting. I did not really know what to do there and built 
further upon the Ecto patch. MT allows you to use different text input 
filters depending on the entry. To my knowledge (stop me if I am wrong), 
WP does not allow you to do that. Since most of these text input filters 
also allow you to write raw HTML, the Ecto solution (a further mine) is 
to look for active plugins and if one of those is activated, to return 
relevant information.

item 6 is something that I started discussing earlier. While the 
implementation itself is perhaps not that relevant to the remaining of 
users (that can itself be discussed!), the idea of having a bunch of 
wp.* XMLRPC API calls that address WP specific features is probably a 
good idea.

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Emmanuel Frécon              Tel:         +46 8 633 1534
SICS                         Fax:         +46 8 751 7230
Box 1263                     Email:       emmanuel at sics.se
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