[wp-hackers] Another suggestion for core change?

Donncha O Caoimh donncha at linux.ie
Fri Oct 15 14:00:40 UTC 2004

I wrote a javascript bookmarklet a long time ago to do that to a Mailman 
delivery queue and it's very handy. Mailman has the "delete all defered 
messages" option now though. It's rare that I need to leave some 
messages defered so I haven't missed my way of doing things.

Actually, come to think of it, the b2++ moderation queue I coded had 
Javascript links to "select all" of the defer, delete and ok options for 
moderated comments.

The only thing I can say against this is that it's Javascript (I 
presume!), but then that's not such a big sin any more is it?

/me raises hand for Jenn's way in any case.


Tara Star wrote:
> scriptygoddess wrote:
>> Am I the only one that thinks that a "set all for delete" link (or
>> checkbox) that auto-selects all the radio boxes to delete is a better
>> idea? (If I am the only one that thinks this, I'll slink back into my
>> corner and shut up) LOL! Otherwise, if you all agree, I'll submit this
>> as a bug/diff this weekend too...
> you're not alone! I like your way better too.

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