[wp-hackers] Enclosures for WordPress 1.3

Owen Winkler ringmaster at midnightcircus.com
Tue Oct 12 13:47:54 UTC 2004

Donncha O Caoimh wrote:

> There's a few things to do before I put it into CVS, and we need to
> decide on the edit-form interface:

> 2. Matt's suggestion was to run through all the URLs in a post and 
> create enclosures from them all. This has the advantage that all the 
> linked content in a post can be downloaded by a client and browsed at 
> leisure.

I like Option 2 because it doesn't require any extra work to create 
enclosures.  But is this restricted to local URLs or by file type?  I 
don't think I necessarily want to enclose other peoples' sites/pages, 
but I might still like the option to enclose audio that I've put on 
another server to conserve local bandwidth.

Perhaps an interface can produce a checklist of links used in the post 
body for possible inclusion as enclosures (check the box to include)?

Also, I need a plugin hook on this to integrate files managed by my 
photo plugin.  I can give users the option to include photos from a post 
(not linked in the post itself, but displayed by the plugin) as 
enclosures in the feed.  Some hook like "add_enclosure" that returns a 
CR-separated list of URLs for the PostID parameter would work nicely.


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