[wp-hackers] Proposed: wp_title() - display day with date and improved separator flexibility

Dennis Williamson dennis at netstrata.com
Mon Oct 11 20:11:05 UTC 2004

I've attached a diff that makes some changes to wp_title() in 
template-functions-general.php CVS revision 1.51

It changes wp_title so the day is displayed (in addition to the year and 
month) when you have .../index.php?m=yyyymmdd.

It also changes the handling of $sep to improve the flexibility to the 
user. The default call, wp_title(), still functions as before with respect 
to the default separator, but if the user specifies a separator, spaces can 
be included or not.


	wp_title('/'); produces Blog/Category

	wp_title(" / "); produces Blog / Category

Same idea for a date or a post title.

Before, the spaces were hard-coded in the function and couldn't be overridden.


Index: template-functions-general.php
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.51
diff -u -3 -r1.51 template-functions-general.php
--- template-functions-general.php	30 Sep 2004 17:56:16 -0000	1.51
+++ template-functions-general.php	2 Oct 2004 22:05:57 -0000
@@ -121,7 +121,15 @@
  	return $output;

-function wp_title($sep = '»', $display = true) {
+function wp_title($sep = ' » ', $display = true) {
+	// dtw - changed $sep to include spaces in the default and removed spaces 
from $title
+	// dtw - which preserves previous behavior and improves flexibility since 
the user
+	// dtw - can choose whether to include spaces in the function call 
instead of them
+	// dtw - being hard-coded
+	// dtw - changed processing of $m so the day is also displayed when 
      global $wpdb;
      global $m, $year, $monthnum, $day, $category_name, $month, $posts;

@@ -150,18 +158,32 @@

      // If there's a month
      if(!empty($m)) {
-        $my_year = substr($m, 0, 4);
-        $my_month = $month[substr($m, 4, 2)];
-        $title = "$my_year $sep $my_month";
+       $title = substr($m, 0, 4); // year
+	// dtw - added length tests (which prevent trailing $sep)
+	if (6 <= strlen($m)) {
+	        $title .= $sep . $month[substr($m, 4, 2)]; // month
+	}
+	// dtw - added "day"
+	if (8 <= strlen($m)) {
+		$day = substr($m, 6, 2);
+		if ('0' == substr($day, 0, 1)) {
+			$day = substr($day, 1); // strip leading zero
+		}
+		$title .= $sep . $day;
+	}

      if (!empty($year)) {
          $title = $year;
          if (!empty($monthnum)) {
-            $title .= " $sep ".$month[zeroise($monthnum, 2)];
+            $title .= $sep . $month[zeroise($monthnum, 2)];
          if (!empty($day)) {
-            $title .= " $sep ".zeroise($day, 2);
+            $title .= $sep . zeroise($day, 2);

@@ -173,9 +195,9 @@

      // Send it out
      if ($display && isset($title)) {
-        echo " $sep $title";
+        echo $sep . $title;
      } elseif (!$display && isset($title)) {
-        return " $sep $title";
+        return $sep . $title;

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