[wp-hackers] WP Plugin Manager

drDave drdave at unknowngenius.com
Thu Oct 7 11:59:09 UTC 2004

On Oct 7, 2004, at 3:29 AM, Tor Bjornrud wrote:

> I would very much appreciate if the license type were part of the data 
> collected about the plugins.  From a personal perspective, I won't use 
> plugins that don't have an explicit license history with them.  I also 
> know that many people have issues if a WordPress plugin is released as 
> non-GPL, something that arguably EVERY plugin for WordPress must be 
> released under, as they make function calls between one another.
> I guess it's very important to me  and perhaps other people, because 
> of the fact that I wish to stay away from these plugins that are in 
> grey territory.

Good point, I have added this field to the DB.
Please if anybody has any suggestion for fields that would deserve 
being stored separately, let me know... the system I am using makes it 
very easy to alter both the DB and the UI to edit these data, so we 
shouldn't have too much trouble expanding these fields to cover 
everything as we go...

I have also made major changes to the script to allow for a better 
handling of security issues. Now, users are given two options, they can 
- have the permissions on wp-content permanently changed to be writable 
(this is done by the script through ftp and doesn't require the user to 
know a single thing other than his host ftp login and passwd).
- have the permissions only altered temporarily whenever needed to 
install or remove a new plugin (ftp password is required each time).

Eventually, I'd like to add more security to the way ftp password is 
sent, but ftp is not a very safe protocol to begin with and is very 
often sent in the clear anyway.

Next step is providing a better front-end for both users and 

For now, it would be great if plugin developers on the list could go 
and register their plugins so we can get started...

Dave / デイヴ
drdave at unknowngenius.com

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