[wp-hackers] Offical Plugins, repository, and extending WordPress

dave at xmouse.ithium.net dave at xmouse.ithium.net
Sat Jun 26 09:14:54 UTC 2004

Quoting scriptygoddess <scriptygoddess AT gmail DOT com>:

> A "prominent link" to the author's web
> page won't suffice. If it were me as the user, and I could download
> all my plugins in one place - I probably wouldn't even visit the
> authors site. Why should I? Maybe if I had free time to wander around
> and surf.
> I know my work is appreciated by the number of comments and visitors I
> get. If no one is coming to my site to download my stuff, then I have
> no access to that.

So the obvious solution would surely to still have this central list, but
instead of offering the ability to download straight from the wp server,
instead have just the title of the plugin, a description and a link to the blog
entry/download page on the author's site?

Or even, (if this is feasible), when the 'download' link is clicked, a header()
could send the user to the information (read: your site).
> As well - if I see a small problem, I only need to get it from my
> server - and upload it back up with a note in the post. I would not
> want the hassle of having to send out multiple updates to my site as
> well as a wp site and hope they update it with the bug fix soon - etc.

Good point, but I still think we can get around this. Maybe updates could be
split into categories; 'bug fixes/patches', 'added functionality', 'revamp'.
Bug fixes/patches could be tested and added without any need to examine the
changed code. Or, if it was deemed necessary to look at the code, a changelog
could streamline this process. It needn't be 'hassle'.

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